The film tells the story of Yang Naifan (Ruan Lingyu) who runs from her arranged marriage to be with her true love, Li Zuyi (Jin Yan). The film...
Love and Duty
This movie depicts a pair of lovers, who were denied freedom of marriage during their lives, and after their deaths, they are transformed into...
Charlie Meets the Spectres
Ill-fated romance of an orphaned flower girl and a young musician, destroyed by his traditional family and the Shanghai underworld.
Wild Flower
A warlord's nephew lusts for farmer Song Ke's sister. When Song refuses, the whole family is thrown into jail and the sister commits suicide. The...
Loving Blood of the Volcano
Three Modern Ladies
An adaptation of Heinrich Mann's novel Professor Unrat.
Scent of Wild Flowers
A 1929 B&W silent comedy from Shanghai, describing a vindictive funnyman's efforts to get back at his cheating wife, as aided by his smarter and more...
My Son Was a Hero
Vagabond singer Ali is embroiled in a dispute over love and is compelled to return to his own country. Ali is mistaken for the future queen's consort...
My Kingdom for a Husband
Young sprinter Lin Ying enrolls in a sports college in Shanghai. As she becomes a sports celebrity, she starts to mangle with the upper class and has...
Queen of Sports