When Sosuke, a young boy who lives on a clifftop overlooking the sea, rescues a stranded goldfish named Ponyo, he discovers more than he bargained...
Ippei Akabane (Takaya Kamikawa) is an unpopular novelist. He barely makes ends meet writing serials novels under different pen names. Daigo Kurei...
The Serialist
Seven stories centered around marriage.
Happy Landing
Kotone (Tomoka Kurotani) is the wife of Mitsuru Kiba (Kazushige Nagashima), boss of the Kiba gang in the Saikyo Alliance. She hides a girl named...
Yakuza Ladies Neo
Directed by Junya Sato and based on a book by Jun Henmi, "Yamato" has a framing story set in the present day and uses flashbacks to tell the story of...
Let cool, mysterious high school student Ms. Koizumi and her girlfriends show you around the authentic ramen culture of everyday Japan in this fun...
Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles SP 2019
Ohara Koji is no ordinary Rookie. He is the Hanshin Tigers' secret weapon. Who would have thought that after two major shoulder injuries, 32-year-old...
Mr. Rookie