In feudal Japan, during a bloody war between clans, two cowardly and greedy peasants, soldiers of a defeated army, stumble upon a mysterious man who...
The Hidden Fortress
Princess Kazu, the daughter of Shogun Ienari, is sent to marry Matsudaira Nobunao, master of Peacock castle in Kozuke province, a domain of 17,000...
Bride of Peacock Castle
1962 Japanese movie
Doburoku no Tatsu
9th film in the series about Lord Mito
Travels of Lord Mito Pt.9
A lost film considered one of Japan's first Tokusatsu films. The effects were done by Fuminori Ohashi, who claims to have been a modeling consultant...
The King Kong That Appeared in Edo
In part two of this silent two-part film, an ape nicknamed King Kong by its master has kidnapped the daughter of a wealthy man as part of a revenge...
King Kong Appears in Edo: The Episode of Gold
A nameless ronin, or samurai with no master, enters a small village in feudal Japan where two rival businessmen are struggling for control of the...
Three competing parties all race against time to track down an elusive creature known only as the Snowman.
Half Human
Returning to their lord's castle, samurai warriors Washizu and Miki are waylaid by a spirit who predicts their futures. When the first part of the...
Throne of Blood
An American scientist tells two colleagues about the finding of an abominable snowman living in the Japanese alps, where it is worshipped by a remote...
Half Human: The Story of the Abominable Snowman
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and...
Yagyu Secret Scrolls
A humble and simple Takezo abandons his life as a knight errant. He's sought as a teacher and vassal by Shogun, Japan's most powerful clan leader....
Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island
Toshiro Mifune swaggers and snarls to brilliant comic effect in Kurosawa's tightly paced, beautifully composed "Sanjuro." In this companion piece and...