January 16, 1995. Tsuyoshi Takahashi, a young student at Shiokaze elementary, is driven solely to get excellent grades. Because of this he often...
The Day the Earth Moved
A 42-year-old salaryman is made to serve his company beyond the grave when his brain is installed in a super-powered android body in order to carry...
Business Commando Yamazaki
This is the story of a young self-reliant girl called Ai, who one day, moves into the Animal Village. While working at Tom Nook's shop "Nook's...
Animal Crossing: The Movie
The Denden troupe, led by a radish actor, came to play. In the troupe, there was also Lina, who was good at playing the ocarina, but she always...
Go! Anpanman: The Palm of the Hand to the Sun
Historical samurai OVA about the deputy leader of the Shinsengumi, who fought on the side of the Shogun prior to the Meiji Restoration.
Hijikata Toshizo: The White Trail