The story centers on CHEN Wei and her daughter, seeking refuge from CHEN Wei’s violent husband in the Butterfly Mansion, known for its eerie...
Them, Behind the Door
In 1984, a major fire broke out on the fourth floor of the Jin Xin Building, the residents on the 4th floor were trapped in the fire as the fire...
Mystery Writers
Asheng, once a gang member of the Zhongshan District, was sent to jail for 12 years after saving his friend Shaou. He is released and returns to...
Lost in Forest
After returning from the resort vacation, Marcy, a mother and live streamer, experienced bizarre symptoms, and her accompanying staff member, Zhao,...
Rescue member Ajie and his companions rescued a reef tanker in the storm, but met the captain who was stubborn and unwilling to give up. At the same...
Abyssal Spider