The film revolves around an officer who examines some social issues, especially those related to the crises of the poor within moled el saida, and...
Yom We Leila
A platoon of Commandos’ soldiers, lead by a fearless commander, Nour, and their journey through heroic battles from The Six Days War to the...
The Passage
The movie revolves around a young girl who has the ability to foresee events before they happen. Will this special ability that she possesses become...
Set in the 70's, A middle-aged man, Adel is raised by his strict grandfather who he was deeply inspired by. he met his first love, Nadia who later...
The Crime
In the framework of a comedy, a visual artist who manages to communicate and telepathically becomes involved with a criminal named Abyssinian the...
Bermuda Square
While radio presenter Mourad follows social media stories, he comes across the stories of Dr. Alia, sued after being accused of having an affair with...
Qamar 14
Taking place in the world of acting workshops, the story follows a young man who is looking for an opportunity to break into the world of acting with...
The Workshop
Omar and Alia are in love and decide to get married , but Omar discovers that her sister Fatima is infamous who works in a bar so he walks away from...
About Love and Passion
During a Nile cruise on a boat, an unexpected swindle occurs to one of the passengers, after which comical situations follow to reveal the truth.
Tamaseeh El Nile
The events revolve around a social context around parents’ injustice to their children, separating them and preferring some of them over...
Horses sleep standing up
Fadel and Naema are an innocent couple that run a food truck business. The events revolve around Fadel, as he goes through many comic situations...
Fadel and Neama
The film's events revolve around a group of outlaw friends who engage in criminal and suspicious activities, but it leads them to major crises with...
Cairo: a 70-year-old building of once-luxury flats with tenements on the roof. Zaki, an aging libertine, feuds with his sister. Pious Hajj Azzam...
The Yacoubian Building
The story follows a poor government employee who lands in a lot of trouble because of his father's profession, while he falls for a girl who tries to...
The Humans and the Mongoose
The story follows a drug dealer who is exposed to many problems after he becomes accused of murder, which drives him to try to prove his innocence...
Afreet Transit
An engineering college student invents the first of its kind robot in the Middle East, in an attempt to avenge his father's death and achieve...
Ali, the fugitive from a murder he does not even know whether he committed it or not, sets out to uncover truth with the help of his friend, the...
30 March
The story follows five teenage girls as they try to discover themselves but they face a lot of troubles and difficulties during high school.
High School Girls
Both Iman and her younger sister dream of finding true love, within the strict parameters of life. For Iman, there is an obvious obstacle: she is a...
Snow White