Having failed with his business and gone absolutely penniless, Masao (45) divorced with his wife, and is currently leading a hopeless life in...
The Name
Natsuko Yotsuya is a teenager and she is also known as Bon. She lives in a town and has a friend, Miyu-chan, who lives with her boyfriend in Tokyo....
Bon Lin
6 Short films from various directors.
Tokyo City Girl
When bento shop owner Hikaru Oshiro learns that a group of high school students have no place to practice music, he takes it upon himself to build a...
Cheers From Heaven
Drama clubs from an all boys high school and an all girls high school hold a joint training camp. The schools are set to merge the following year. At...
Dorome: Boys' Side
Dorome: Girls' Side
Life Is Dead
Japanese schoolgirl Sakura has her idyllic small-town life turned inside-out when the local men start savagely killing the women. Armed with only her...
Schoolgirl Apocalypse
Momoko is a student at a high school. She's viewed as being stupid and sits at the bottom of her school's hierarchy. While her friends are asked out...
Hierarchy of Girls: A Girl at the Bottom
When Shoichi learns that a former coworker is behind a publisized murder, he takes it to social media to reveal that he knows the murderer. But when...
Made in Japan
After an American helicopter crashes into a classroom in Okinawa International University, student Ryuichi is compelled to write a report on a...
Himawari -Okinawa wa Wasurenai, Ano Nichi no Sora o-
Five authentic tales of people young and old, searching for a fresh adventure and new beginnings, all with one thing in common - they all take place...
Adventures of Paradise: Tales from Okinawa
Cryptocurrency exchange secretary Toshie ought to be celebrating the release of her boyfriend from jail. Instead, a freak accident compels her to...
Toshie The Nihilist