Comedy mini-series about doctor who cures hangoversIn the center of the plot is the story of the former doctor Grigory Mikhailovich Shtuchny, who...
Drunk Company
Among schoolchildren there is a legend about the so-called lost place, according to which everyone who buys a movie ticket to this place is waiting...
Cursed Seat
One morning, the criminal authority Dad convenes three "sons" and tells the latest news. Everyone remembers how three years ago, the keeper of the...
A Fairy Tale for the Old
Journalist Kristina is filming a documentary about a case of domestic violence in an old high-rise building. But it turns out that these walls hold...
The House Where People Don't Live
The action unfolds in our days, in the small Volga town of Kalinov, where nothing has changed since the days of Alexander Ostrovsky’s classical...