A ravishing comedy about controversial post-Soviet Russia of the 90s with storylines of four friends in the world of the glam-our entertainment...
Ivan sets off on a dangerous mission into Syria to save his ex-commander Grey after his capture by ISIS. With the help of U.S. military patrols, he...
On a college trip to remote Northern forests, one of the students - Marina - encounters a burial site of an ancient witch, and is possessed by the...
Dark World
Sergiy and Katya will have to fight against the ferocious folklore evil spirits - the genetically modified Serpent Gorynych, a gang of brownies who...
Sergius Against Evil Spirits: Sabbath
22 minutes got Russian marine to free a hijacked oil tanker far from shore.
22 Minutes
Five short love stories, which become a statement of the directors about love. A shoemaker, a reporter, a pavement hooker-in, a psychiatric patient...
A teenager, in search of his place in the world, finds himself in a social network group that recruits children into a mysterious brotherhood. After...
Leave the Group
The 40-year-old rich man is very fond of arguing. Once again, he bet that he would work for a month as a driver for a bitch actress who fires...