Black Lightning is a Russian superhero film about a Moscow University student who discovers that his otherwise unremarkable car can fly. After his...
Black Lightning
The main character is an Opel Astra car. The car has become an integral part of every person's life. In the short stories the characters work and...
Astra, i love you
In an ideal world of the near future, an exemplary hero commits an act that threatens to ruin his life. Having become an outcast, he must make a...
Agree, it is unpleasant when you are not noticed: pushed on the street, ignored in the theater, looked through. As if on purpose! And the pretty girl...
Young and talented theater actor has been acting very weird lately. Nobody understands what is going on with him and everyone is ready to turn away...
Without Rehearsals
Very little time has passed since the beginning of World War II. The young captain of the ship receives a crucial task - to deliver a secret cargo....
Ferry Number Seven
Запах вереска
Vitya Kasatkin has an unusual hobby - he is engaged in Japanese sumo wrestling. His love for sumo was instilled in him by his father, who left the...
Sumo Kid