The story of a man whose life was ruthlessly crippled by World War II. His wife and daughters were killed during the bombing of his village, he spent...
Fate of a Man
Based on a satirical short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky concerning the escapades of a Russian civil servant.
The Ugly Story
A young sailor Sergey is in love with Lena so he decides to join her during the Moscow Music festival.
A Sailor from 'The Comet'
A biography of George Kastriot Skanderbeg widely known as Skanderbeg, a 15th-century Albanian lord who defended his land against the Ottoman Empire...
The Great Warrior Skanderbeg
The film is based on the play by K. Simonov. It is the story of an American journalist who spends time in Russia and sees socialism in action. Upon...
The Russian Question
On the evening of May 9, 1945, when Moscow is noisily and cheerfully celebrating the Victory Day, a young girl agronomist Zina Sokolova and a sailor...
The Train Goes East
A funny comedy about a lost twins and a lot of good people who are involved in a search for twins' parents.
The Second World War. A new L-2 heavy duty gun is being supplied to the Soviet Army. German intelligence needs to seize a new secret weapon.
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