Get ready to blast off to an out-of-this-world adventure with canine teenage astronaut, Pushok, who is determined to find his missing astronaut...
Space Dogs 2
Ivan is an ordinary guy who is transferred from modern Moscow to the fantasy world Belogorye. In this parallel universe where characters of Russian...
The Last Warrior
10-year-old Timur, who came to his grandfather Korney for the summer, finds the book "Timur and His Squad" by Arkady Gaidar in the barn, after...
Timur and the Squad
About the difficult and tragic time of collectivization - the de-collectivization. Two puppeteers go around the villages to earn bread and lodging......
Night on the Road
Alexandre is a young medical student who is holidaying at his uncle's country home for the summer. He begins a lustful love affair with his cousin...
Summer of Love
Having caught his wife in bed with her lover, Stanislav leaves home. He changes his life dramatically. Stanislav, having taken a job as a security...
Labyrinths of Love