A "Hitlerjugend" kind of story, set in the Soviet Union during the Second World War, based on a fictitious story from the eponymous book by Vladimir...
A young artist gets into a scuffle with bikers after dabbling in graffiti on the subway. This altercation costs him a trip to Italy, and he is sent...
The main character of the film is a young playboy Pavel Makarov. Waking up after another party, he finds a strange girl next to him, who seriously...
Second Wind
A young man is forced to become a criminal...
All the Things We Dreamt of for So Long
A young captain demobilized from the army, in search of a better life, comes to Moscow. All attempts to earn money honestly for housing and food end...
Moscow Gigolo
The film is based on the true story of Captain Marinesku and set in 1944 during WWII at the Russian Navy Base. Young and beautiful Tanka is in love...
The First After God
Praised for its fine photography and production design if not its narrative, Sergei Bondarchuk directed this adaptation of the tale by Alexander...
Boris Godunov
Хроника «Ада»
The Route